And... oh, look. Here's another voice. From a couple of years after that gray box. This is an older, tired-er voice, saying, forget it. It ain't here. I deleted it. I got tired of getting mail from people asking how the hell could I choose these movies, when their favorites went unnoticed. And that was just the nice ones. I don't do lists. Lists are stupid. That list, in particular, was drivel, obtained via a limited Web poll and containing few movies older than the 1980s. I had a running commentary through most of it, deriding many of the choices. And yet, somehow, I am the idiot, I must have chosen these movies, even if I am the only one capable of reading opening paragraphs. Or reading intervening paragraphs. Or, apparently, reading. I don't particularly mind being excoriated for my opinions on movies - I've gotten a lot of hate mail from people who inexplicably love Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park or Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - but calling me names for something I had nothing to do with, that I merely called attention to? That pisses me off. So I'm tired of it. It's gone. It's tempting to put in a bitter send-off like now piss off or something equally John Constantinian, but hell ... I like most of you guys. Just know this is something I should have done long ago, no matter how many late night radio shows it got me on. |
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