Monday, October 10, 2005

Screen Door Jesus Premiere

Screen Door Jesus
Drop in this weekend at the Regal Arbor Cinema (Austin, TX) for the opening weekend of Screen Door Jesus, a movie produced in Austin and surrounding areas.

The central thread of this unusual story involves a vision of Jesus sighted on the screen door of Mother Harper’s (Cynthia Dorn) front porch. The misadventures begin as the media and crowds gather around the phenomenon and the townsfolk start to take sides. As more people flock to the door, some for guidance, some for healing and some for pure entertainment, the pressure on this sleepy town starts to build.

According to a message posted to the Austin Community Livejournal, actors Scarlett McAlister and Mark Dalton and director Kirk Davis will appear Friday and Saturday at the theater for informal question-and-answer sessions.


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