Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Austin Film Festival Podcast

One of the better parts of my job at the Austin Film Festival is producing the festival's official podcast, which not only features two of the funnier people with whom I've had the privilege to work (John Merriman and Kelly Williams, who are both filmmakers in their own right), but also terrific sound clips from some big name Hollywood filmmakers and screenwriters. In the podcast's pilot episode we hear from Steve Faber and Bob Fisher (the writers of Wedding Crashers) about some of the more surreal moments they've experienced during pitch sessions. Future episodes will feature clips from Harold Ramis, Shane Black, and others, as well as filmmaker interviews and advice for aspiring directors and screenwriters. It's good stuff.

I hasten to add that despite the name, no iPod is required. Any computer or MP3 player will do.

There are four episodes already recorded that should appear quickly, and after that they'll show up several times monthly. Visit the Austin Film Festival podcast page.


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