Thursday, April 20, 2006

Save MGM Midnite Movies

DVD Drive-In has started a campaign to encourage Sony to continue the MGM Midnite Movie line of DVDs.

Over a year ago, DVD Drive-In started an online petition for Sony to continue MGM's Midnite Movies series after the studio purchased MGM's film library. We also suggested dozens of possible Midnite Movie candidates, and the petition has gathered over 4,100+ signatures to date. We are sad to report that none of the titles on the list are on Sony's current DVD schedule, and it looks like the Midnite Movies are still in serious trouble.

Click here to sign the petition, or click here for the Twitch entry on this subject, which includes a huge list of possible candidates for release which Sony has acquired from MGM.


Blogger Bergerjacques said...

I know nothing about the technology beyond the fact they use a blue laser, but I have a feeling the push for new format supremacy is taking more of Sony's energy than the release of the MGM movie library.

If Sony can market these discs at a profit, they'll do it. But given how much the bottom is falling out of the DVD market, it may be awhile before these beloved titles surface - if ever.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Christopher said...

On the other hand, the cost-to-profit ratio of bringing a title to DVD is high enough that not releasing these titles just leaves money on the table. It may be more a matter of how many DVD manufacturing facilities there are and whether they have the factory time to spare on "lesser" titles. It may be that smaller companies will have to license the rights from Sony to bring these movies to market.

9:05 AM  

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