The Lonely Lady is quite possibly the worst film ever made. It stars Zadora as Jerilee Randall, a young writer who must essentially prostitute herself in order to have her work published and produced. Based on a Harold Robbins novel, this movie is the absolute nadir of Zadora's screen career. Because of the high-profile nature of this film, even Voyage of the Rock Aliens couldn't compare in the amount of bad publicity it garnered its star.
Scenes of note:
In 1984, The Lonely Lady was nominated for a record 11 Golden Raspberry Awards, aka the Razzies. In 1990, it was nominated as the Worst Picture of the Decade. Below are the nominations it received. A (W) indicates that it won in that category.
In 1996, that record was broken by Showgirls, which was nominated in one category as "Worst Remake" -- of The Lonely Lady.
Links for The Lonely Lady: